Tuesday, October 30, 2007


My blackbird friend is building a nest!
For the last few days she has been gathering dry grass and darting off to a secret destination
Early yesterday morning as I was watering my small potato patch, she hopped up oh so close , time and time again, to pick up blobs of mud and wet grass.
How intelligent and discerning she is!
I continue to be careful not to disturb her, and she in turn accepts me as a low risk member of her surroundings.
Little things ,true, but it keeps me going ,day in, day out; as I continue to be blitzed by so much surperfluous electronic junk.

1 comment:

Kelly Gardiner said...

I know what you mean: it's the small things that matter. There's a ringtail possum called Kevin under the eaves at my house. Actually there are several - they are all called Kevin for reasons I won't go into here.
(I hope you're not a Kevin.)
Two days ago I looked up and there were two Kevins all wrapped up around each other and fast asleep. All I could see were ears.
This morning there were two tails hanging down the wall - one small white ringtail, and one large dark brushtail, side by side.
So big Kev and Kevin have temporarily moved in together. And I thought possums were territorial.
They don't even do anything - since they're asleep - and I could watch them all day.